Sunday, September 20, 2009

: Horse Building

So I've started building my horse. Marya helped me to measure and cut a bunch of PVC. I bought a miter saw from my neighbor, which I'm really excited about. I've also devised a way to use the saw and my power drill as a sort of drill press to drill parallel holes through PVC. Now there is just a lot of hole drilling, assembly and probably trouble shooting to be done!

Me with my horse bones. This is about half of the horse,
but gives a good idea of scale and how long the legs are, etc.

Our down stairs neighbor is telling everyone that I am making a horse for him. I'm a little nervous about this because he's really cute and I can't see myself saying no! If this works out, I might try to make a smaller model that he can ride. Could be a huge commercial success, and I'll never have to work again.

Also, setting up some meetings to talk about "The Game" with our new friend Yutai. Really excited. And my first rehearsal for Journey to the West is on Wednesday!

I'll try to update a bit more regularly. Thanks for reading,


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